The Club
About Port Lincoln Golf Club
Established in 1915 and recently celebrating it’s centenary the Port Lincoln Golf Club has a proud history. Originally developed as a 6 and then 9 hole layout at Kirton Point the Club relocated to its existing location in Boston in 1927. The club is proudly members owned and built on the back of the hard work of our members and employees the club has gone through many transformations over it’s journey. This includes the change of layout in the late 1980’s to the current layout that is present today. The biggest challenge the club has faced over the years has been access to a sustainable water supply with such scarce local quality water sources. The club has been reliant on mains water for many years which has been a massive financial burden. In recent years the club has met this challenge head on by implementing a large storm water capture and storage scheme which has cut mains water use drastically. The savings this initiative has provided not only allowed the club to pay for the storm water scheme but also allowed for the upgrade our irrigation system to a state of the art Rain Bird System along with this our pump station was upgraded using the latest Davey pump technology.
The club is now focused on growing our community asset by improving the course and general amenity while exploring options such as the stay and play market and linking to other tourism experiences in our region. We seek to become a true community multi use asset and add value to the wonderful recreational and dining experiences our region offers.
View our current strategic plan here
If you are interested in a full history of the club our ‘Centenary Book’ produced by club members is available for purchase at the bar or by contacting the club.