Port Lincoln Golf Club Community
The Port Lincoln Golf Club is a proud community focused organisation. With strong links to local businesses and charities we have supported the community in many ways over the years. This has included providing a base for firefighters in major bush fires and through the provision of a fire hydrant for water access in the event of a bush fire.
We host many community events at the club including hosting education days, charity events and providing a venue for weddings, birthdays and wakes. We have formed strong partnerships with stakeholders such as the Port Lincoln City Council, The District of Lower Eyre Council, Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, Bendigo Bank, Novita, SAPOL and an array of local businesses.
We encourage any community organisation or business looking to form partnerships in our region to contact us to see how we can help and to discuss community orientated outcomes. We are proudly a ‘Good Sports Club’ and partner with other sporting clubs in our region.