Week Ending 27/11/22

Port Lincoln Golf

Photo: Handicap winners from today’s Foursomes – Taylor Ford, Elaine Pierik, Carolyn Cocks and Mike Freeman

By Ross Sharrad


November 27

This past Sunday, members hit off in the annual Club Mixed and Men’s Foursomes, followed by a pooled tea.

In the Men’s division, Adam and Brett Davies had 82 off the stick to win on a countback, with John Phillips and Fred Tammisi winning the handicap section with 74.5 nett.

The gross Mixed Winners were Carolyn Cocks and Mike Freeman with 81 and Elaine Pierik and Taylor Ford were the nett winners with 73. Runners-up were Wayne and Michelle Smith with 74.5

November 26

Saturday saw the Men’s Monthly Medal played with 86 participating, including two from Coffin Bay. Lincoln Fresh sponsored the day.

In the Handicap Divisions, Adam Sullivan won A Grade with 68 nett, from Chas Chambers on 69. Ben Jaensch had 70 in B Grade to win from Dave Sargent 71 and Marcus Dennisn won C Grade with 72 from Phil Lessue on 74.

Rundowns went to Norm Marks, Haydn Myers, Dylan Bell and Jason Verhees, all on 71. Then came Shaun Thomas on 72 and Taylor Ford and Simon Bell, both with 73 nett.

Seven Women played, with Cindy Carr winning with 70 from Val Sharrad on 75.

NTP Winners were Haydn Myers, Andy Smith, Greg Barry, Gavin Cheriton, Luke Gardner and Simon Bell.

The Club paid out 14 players who had par-three birdies; they were Adam Sullivan, Chas Chambers, Haydn Myers, Dylan Bell, Trevor Durdin, Mike Freeman, Boyd McCurry, Chris Baird, Huey Rosalia, Wayne Smith, Warren Rosman, Luke Gardner and Ryan Lack – all but two were A Grade players.

November 25

Friday’s Teams Ambrose event saw 21 Teams and 78 players taking part.

Rat Pack One is now leading from Come Here Jack – there should be a competition to guess how the team names are thought out! Last Friday night was a stunning evening for golf.

 November 24

The Marina Hotel sponsored this Thursday’ Women’s Stableford competition, won by Lyn Hosking with 38 points from Ally Russell on 37, counting out Gail Watherston and Cindy Carr 34 and Sue Cotton on 33.

November 23

Wednesday ‘s Men’s event was sponsored by Hunt’s Fuels and there were 64 players, with two visitors from Mount Osmond and Coffin Bay Clubs.

The A Grade winner was Dylan Bell with 39 Stableford points on a countback from Rex Bichard, Mark Cooper with 42 won B Grade from Ben Jaensch on 39, and Fred Tammisi continues a good run of results from his 30 handicap and had the score of the day, winning C Grade with 42 from Peter Leahy on 40 points.

Rundowns went to Rick Kolega 39, Daryl Evans and Mick Hegarty on 38, and Kris Bunder on 37. Then came Colin Clark 36 and Peter Meadows 35.

NTP Winners were Greg Cotton, Steve Thomson, Dave Batterbury, Ben Sellen, visitor Colin Davidson and Barry Tattersall.

Nine par-three birdies were scored on the day, by Dylan Bell (twice), Ben Sellen, Ben Jaensch, Rick Kolega, John Cheriton, Brian Henson, Steve Thomson and Ralph Glass.

November 22

Tuesday’s Twilight round attracted 13 players, with Darryl Scharfe scoring a creditable 25 points from the ten holes played. Then came Fred Tammist 22 and Ryan Lack with 18 after a three-way countback.


November 20

Sunday’s Mixed Stabelford competition had 14 players, with two visitors from Proserpine and Headland Clubs,  and was won by Scott Lombe with 36 points from George Mayhew 33 and Jason Verhees on 32.




Week Ending 3/12/22


Week Ending 19/11/22