Week Ending 1/3/2025

Port Lincoln Golf Results

Photo: Daniel Brown ready to attack the 12th green.

By: Jake Murray


Sunday 23rd Feb

Mixed Stableford

Charlie Parker wins by a landslide as he thumps his way to a whooping 43 points. Runner up was Daniel Brown with an even par 39 points.

Wednesday 26th Feb

Men's Stableford

In A Grade he got the silver on Sunday but today Daniel Brown takes the gold with an incredible 69 off the stick 42 points followed by Shaun Todd with a classy 39 points.

In B Grade Bill Healey's 38 points got him over the line in front of Cliff Taylor one putt away on 37 points.

In C Grade Boris Kovacic gets it done with a clean 36 points. Runner up was Mike Munro with a respectable 35 points.

Thursday 27th Feb

Women's Stableford

Kaye Jaensch wins the day with a hard fought 33 points followed by Cynthia Thompson on 32 points. Big shout out to Cynthia's son Jack Thompson who just recently came joint runner up in the New Zealand Open.

Saturday 1st March - Sponsored by the Great Northern Hotel

Women's Stableford

Heather Darley rides off into the sunset with a splendid round of 39 points. Runner up with a cruisy 34 points was Elaine Pierik.

Men's Stableford

In A Grade Kris Bunder made no blunders on his way to victory with an impressive 40 points followed by Trevor Durdin with a solid 39 points.

In B Grade Tom Dawson landed none in his Creek to win the round with a great 38 points. Runner up was Juri Berzins with a crafty 37 points.

In C Grade Mitchell Wilbe will be mighty chuffed winning the day with a fantastic 40 points. Runner up with a neat 36 points was Nathan Miller.

















































Week Ending 22/2/2025